家里没大人(豆瓣 5.4分


别名:儿童半价 / 家里没大人


上映日期:2004-02-11  片长:63分钟   法国  类型:儿童



        Telling the story of a "different family" from the viewpoint of one of the children, this is an extremely light and "little" film. Somewhere between Truffaut's "Les Quatre Cents Coups" and Pippi Longstocking. Entirely shot with a DV camera, with the director's apartment as the set and casting her brother in one of the main characters. It was funny and entertaining while watching at it while it grew deeper after a while, hours after, leaving me with a slight anxiety, in fact. It is something that I would call a fake-umentary, that forces all the time the viewers to remember to themselves that they are watching a feature film and not a TV reportage. In my opinion the fact that the director "refers" all the time to both TV documentaries and home videos is one of the most interesting side of this film. Just go and see it unless you are the kind who thinks that special effects are a must.

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