民用波段 Handle with Care(豆瓣 6.0分

原名:民用波段 Handle with Care

别名:Citizens Band


上映日期:1977-09-29  片长:98 分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 喜剧



"The film centers on a family. Blaine (Paul Le Mat) lives with his senile father in a tumbledown shack on the edge of a small southwestern town, where Blaine repairs and installs CB radios. When Blaine isn't busy playing CB Vigilante, cutting off the kooks and crazies who misuse the airwaves, he is trying to win back his sweetheart, Pam (Candy Clark), a pretty gym teacher attracted to his staid brother, Dean(Bruce McGill). The development converges in the climax, when the old man, afriad that he's causing his family too much trouble, packs a suitcase and runs off, but loses his wayin a rainstorm. The two brothers and Pam come together to find him, calling for help on the radio. The town's CB users unite to comb the surrounding woods. finding Blaine's father alive and well

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