死疫(豆瓣 5.7分


别名:Induced Syndrome / M-3: The Gemini Strain / Mutation

上映日期:1979-01-26  片长:88 分钟   加拿大  类型:剧情 / 惊悚 / 科幻



An ambitious lab assistant carries out a forbidden experiment and accidentally creates a deadly bacteria which kills her and rapidly engulfs the city. The authorities order a curtain of secrecy and impose quarantine on all known contacts whilst embarking on a desperate search for a cure. Meanwhile one of the people in quarantine escapes and becomes the unwitting carrier of the disease. She spreads the plague wherever she goes and becomes a fugitive on the run eluding the police through subways and alleyways. In a gripping gripping built up of events, the full horror of the plague becomes public and the onslaught has to be stopped before all human life on Earth is destroyed.

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