电话皇后(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Bells Are Ringing



编剧:贝蒂·康登  阿多夫·格林

主演:Dort Clark  弗雷德·克拉克  Ralph Roberts  珍·斯泰普尔顿  鲁斯·斯托瑞  弗兰克·乔辛  小艾迪·佛伊  迪恩·马丁  朱迪·霍利德

上映日期:1960-06-23  片长:127 分钟   美国  类型:喜剧 / 爱情 / 歌舞



Ella Peterson is a Brooklyn telephone answering service operator who tries to improve the lives of her clients by passing along bits of information she hears from other clients. She falls in love with one of her clients, the playwright Jeffrey Moss, and is determined to meet him. The trouble is, on the phone to him, she always pretends to be an old woman whom he calls "Mom."

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