南方北方(豆瓣 7.0分

原名:Poludnie - Pólnoc

别名:South by North

编剧:Lukasz Karwowski

上映日期:2007-01-26  片长:Poland: 93 分钟   波兰  类型:剧情



Jacob leaves a monastery. On his first stop he meets Julia - an 21 years old attractive but neurotic young woman. Jacob wants to reach the sea. She decides to join him. As they don't have any money they travel by foot, hitch-hiking or riding stolen bicycles. On their way they talk, laugh, cry, meet other people and get closer and closer to each other as their journey continues. Julia, who used to be a prostitute in a big city, is diagnosed HIV positive. A very special emotion builds up between those two so different people - a monk and a prostitute.


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