狗年(豆瓣 5.3分

原名:Год собаки

别名:狗的年龄 / God sobaki

编剧:Vadim Mikhajlov

上映日期:2003-01-26  片长:126 分鐘   法国 / 俄罗斯  类型:剧情 / 爱情



Sergei has been released from jail, where he has served a sentence for various criminal offences. Because of his past and his aggressive, disillusioned character, he experiences serious difficulties in finding his place in society. His attempt to take advantage of Vera, a na飗e middle-aged woman, has an unexpected consequence, as a tender, hesitant relationship develops between them. Unfortunately, Sergei gets involved in a fight where one of his opponents is mortally wounded. He escapes with Vera to the countryside, and the odd couple manage to hide in an abandoned village. Soon, they realize that something is wrong with their hideout.


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