星星火车(豆瓣 6.9分

原名:Um Trem para as Estrelas

别名:Subway to the Stars / Rio zone (France)

编剧:卡洛斯·迭戈  Carlos Lombardi

上映日期:1988-02-24  片长:USA: 103 分钟   法国 / 巴西  类型:剧情



        The young Vinicius is a young saxophone player, from Rio's poor suburbs, facing an uncertain but perhaps promising future. One day his girlfriend suddenly disappears after a night of love under the stars. Day and night, often on the 'Trem' (Rio's subway lines), others with the help of a Detective and his sources, Vinicius discovers the city's underbelly: its low-lives, its victims, its most eccentric characters, and milieus.

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