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原名:Theodora Goes Wild



编剧:西德尼·巴克曼  玛丽·麦卡锡

主演:艾琳·邓恩  茂文·道格拉斯  伊丽莎白·里斯登  托马斯·米切尔  罗莎琳德·基思   玛格丽特·麦克韦德  瑟斯顿·霍尔

上映日期:1936-11-12(美国)  片长:94分钟   美国  类型:喜剧 / 爱情



The small-town prudes of Lynnfield are up in arms over 'The Sinner,' a sexy best-seller. They little suspect that author 'Caroline Adams' is really Theodora Lynn, scion of the town's leading family. Michael Grant, devil-may-care book jacket illustrator, penetrates Theodora's incognito and sets out to 'free her' from Lynnfield against her will. But Michael has a secret too, and gets a taste of his own medicine.

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