切·格瓦拉粉的悲惨人生(豆瓣 7.6分

原名:Како сам систематски уништен од идиота

别名:How I Was Systematically Destroyed by an Idiot / Kako sam sistematski unisten od idiota


编剧:Moma Dimic  斯洛博丹·希扬

主演:达尼罗 -巴塔-斯托科维奇  Svetislav Goncic

上映日期:1983-07-05  片长:98分钟   南斯拉夫  类型:剧情 / 喜剧



This is a very humorous movie about communism and Marxism, or rather, communists and Marxists. It follows a life of a homeless, but very well read, Marxist who is coping with Che's death and wishes to live a life of revolutions and workers' uprisings. He is a hypochondriac, bitter at the world, and blaming his old capitalist boss for his life's misery.
        Sijan gives a funny portray of his world and jokes about many caste of people in Yugoslavia at that time. He is using his famous and recognizable subtle humor, which combined with fine acting and a great overall story, results in a great piece of art.
        主人公是个有忧郁症的马 克 思 主 义者,认为自己命苦是资本家老板造成的。该片风趣幽默,延续了导演的一贯风格,以犀利辛辣的手法讽刺了前南的特 权 阶 级。

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