约会之夜(豆瓣 6.0分

原名:La Cena Per Farli Conoscere


上映日期:2007-02-02  片长:99 分钟   意大利  类型:喜剧



A witty comedy set amidst the glittering Christmas decorations of modern-day Rome. Actor Sandro Lanza is definitely experiencing the most painful moment of his existence. After a half-hearted suicide attempt, his three daughters scattered throughout Europe, each with a different mother, come to his side. After so many years, the three sisters meet to decide what to do with their father, establishing a genuine tie for the very first time. They have the brilliant idea of introducing their father to a woman different from the ones he has known to date: an authentic, refined, intelligent, independent, reassuring woman. A dinner is set up to introduce them...

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