侍者(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Caught in a Cabaret

别名:The Waiter / 侍者



主演:梅布尔·诺曼德  查理·卓别林

上映日期:1914-05-07(美国)  片长:22分钟   美国  类型:喜剧 / 短片



Given an hour off from his job as a cafe waiter, Charlie rescues Mabel from a thug, is given an invitation to her home, and arrives presenting a card which falsely identifies him as the Greek Ambassador. Before he can get back to work, her parents invite him to a future garden party. Her jealous lover has Charlie followed back to the cafe. Charlie is a hit at the garden party but, as he leaves to return to work, the rival invites everyone to go with him to the cafe so Charlie will be exposed

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