奇怪的气体(豆瓣 5.4分

原名:Laughing Gas

别名:奇怪的气体 / Laffing Gas


主演:Alice Howell  弗里茨·沙德  查理·卓别林  斯利姆·萨默维尔

上映日期:1914-07-09  片长:16 分钟   美国  类型:喜剧 / 短片



Charlie pretends to be a dentist though he is only his assistant. When a patient can't stop laughing from the anesthesia Charlie knocks him out with a club. He is sent to the drug store, gets in a fight with a man who (after a brick in the face) becomes another patient, and pulls the skirt off the dentist's wife (who is out walking). At one point Charlie pulls a tooth (the wrong one) using enormous pliers.

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