波士顿故事(豆瓣 6.6分

原名:The Late George Apley



编剧:菲利普·邓恩  乔治·S·考夫曼

主演:理查德·内伊  佩吉·卡敏斯  理查德·海顿  爱德娜·贝斯特  妮迪亚·威斯特曼  Charles Russell  罗纳德·考尔曼  ?????????????????  米尔翠德·纳特威克  Percy Waram

上映日期:1947-03-20  片长:93 分钟 / 97 分钟(FMC Library Print)   美国  类型:喜剧



George and Catherine Apley of Boston lead a proper life in the proper social circle, as did the Apleys before them. When grown daughter Eleanor falls in love with Howard (from New York!), and son John with Myrtle (from Worcester!), the ordered life of the Apley home on Beacon Street is threatened, as is the hoped-for union of John and Apley-cousin Agnes.

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