党同伐异(豆瓣 5.1分

原名:Always Outnumbered

别名:Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned / Socrates Fortlow / 党同伐异


编剧:Walter Mosley

主演:Art Evans  劳里·梅特卡夫  丹·马丁  保拉·杰·帕克  小约翰·科思伦  Brooke Marie Bridges  Bridgid Coulter  Perry Moore  西西莉·泰森  比尔·杜克  艾赛亚·华盛顿  比尔·努恩  比尔·考布斯  凯文·卡罗尔

上映日期:1998-03-21  片长:104分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 悬疑



An ex-con moves to L.A. to find work and creates a disturbance by fighting for a position. More importantly he touches the lives of many of his neighbors including an older man dying of cancer, a young married couple whose husband is too proud to accept a lesser position which causes strife with his wife, and a young boy on the verge of getting in trouble with street gangs. Written by John Sacksteder {jsackste@bellsouth.net}

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