The Confession(豆瓣 6.6分

原名:The Confession

主演:温特沃斯·米勒  约希·麦兰

上映日期:2005   美国  类型:剧情 / 短片



This is an unusual and thought-provoking short film. A pretty young woman is at a prison, presumably to visit her husband/boyfriend/lover on a conjugal visit. We see her getting changed into a nice dress, with her fantasies of seeing her man. She goes through the indignity of a body search, is sat in a cell, and she waits.... This is an astonishing and memorable piece of film; the young woman is played by an actress called Josie Maran, and shows her love for her man, despite her own vulnerability. The prisoner/husband is played by Wentworth Miller, newly famous from TV's Prison Break, and let's just say that he shows himself in a very different light. A very well made short film from 2005, don't miss it

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