谍海奇才(豆瓣 8.3分

原名:The Secret Life of Ian Fleming

别名:谍海奇才 / Spymaker: The Secret Life of Ian Fleming


编剧:Robert J. Avrech

主演:乔斯·雅克兰德  杰森·康纳利

上映日期:1990-03-05(美国)  片长:100分钟   美国  类型:冒险 / 传记



The Secret Life of Ian Fleming follows the exciting life of a dashing young Ian Fleming, the mastermind behind the highly successful James Bond books and movies. As a womanizer and a hopeless romantic Fleming got himself expelled from Eton and other prestigious public schools before his mother, fed up, sent to work for Reuters,the news bureau. Whilst covering a show-trial of British engineers in Soviet Moscow, Fleming pulled his first Bond-like escapade, almost losing his life in the process. This caught the interest of Britain's dormant yet watchful military intelligence, later to become the highly acclaimed S.O.E. After Fleming's recruitment into Her Majesty's Service, his exploits become increasingly fantastic. It is difficult to believe that this is not fiction! The Secret Life of Ian Fleming goes to prove, once again, the truth certainly is stranger than fiction. One Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred!
        Summary written by Ras Jarborg {ras@algonet.se}
        Leda St Gabriel: She's a spy!
        Ian Fleming: I know.
        Leda St Gabriel: How?
        Ian Fleming: Her lips were cold.
        Ian Fleming: Didn't you get my memo?
        Admiral Godfrey: You send me a hundred memos a week!

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