墓地亡灵首部曲:猛鬼倾巢(豆瓣 5.9分

原名:Noche del terror ciego, La

别名:墓地亡灵:猛鬼大暴动 / 墓地亡灵:猛鬼大暴动


上映日期:1972-09-29  片长:USA: 86 分钟 / Spain: 101 分钟   西班牙 / 葡萄牙  类型:恐怖 / 悬疑



In the 13th century there existed a legion of evil knights known as the Templars, who quested for eternal life by drinking human blood and committing sacrifices. Executed for their unholy deeds, the Templars bodies were left out for the crows to peck out their eyes. Now, in modern day Portugal, a group of people stumble on the Templars abandoned monastery, reviving their rotting corpses to terrorize the land.

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