古惑狗天师(豆瓣 7.9分

原名:All Dogs Go to Heaven

别名:古惑狗天师 / 天堂狗历险记 / 快乐神仙狗 / 所有狗上天堂 / 所有的狗上天堂

导演:加里·戈德曼  唐·布鲁斯


主演:朱迪丝·芭西  多姆·德路易斯

上映日期:1989-11-17  片长:89 分钟   美国 / 英国 / 爱尔兰  类型:动作 / 动画 / 冒险



When a casino owning dog named Charlie is murdered by his rival Carface, he finds himself in Heaven basically by default since all dogs go to heaven. However, since he wants to get back at his killer, he cons his way back to the living with the warning that doing that damns him to Hell. Once back, he teams with his old partner, Itchy to prep his retaliation. He also stumbles on to an orphan girl who can talk to the animals, thus allowing him to get the inside info on the races to ensure his wins

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