La cabina(豆瓣 5.8分

原名:La cabina


编剧:布鲁诺·博则托  毛里齐奥·尼凯蒂  圭多·玛努利


上映日期:1973  片长:14分钟   意大利  类型:短片



It doesn’t happen every day to be walking on a beach at dawn and ending up standing before a magic cabin from which the same girl mysteriously keeps on coming out again and again. Yet, at least once in life we all have dealt with a woman showing total indifference. And that’s why some of us have often felt subconsciously forever locked inside a cabin without any way out. “The cabin” is a comedy that entertains us by talking of a man who, in a surrealistic way, does his best to fall into a fatal trap.

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