驱魔人(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Les Possédées du diable

别名:驱魔人罗娜 / Lorna, the Exorcist



主演:莉娜·罗迈  帕梅拉·史丹佛  居伊·德洛姆

上映日期:1974-12-18  片长:99分钟(网络版)   法国  类型:恐怖



"Going in, I was scared that it was just going to be endless sex but while it was occasionally drawn out, the story and drama kept me gripped throughout. One aspect of Lorna that intrigued me was the frequent allusions to the sea. The film is set at a coastal resort. Franco frequently focuses on the female form and genitalia and combining this with the sea imagery, reminds me of the Greek goddess Aphrodite who rose from the sea covered in foam."

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