Women vs. Men(豆瓣 6.4分

原名:Women vs. Men


主演:克里斯汀·拉蒂  乔·曼特纳  詹妮佛·库里奇

上映日期:2002-08-04   None  类型:None



When Michael (JOE MANTEGNA) bought his wife Dana (CHRISTINE LAHTI) a new Cadillac, he thought she'd be pleased.
        He was wrong…
        When Dana stormed out of the house after seeing the car, Michael was a bit confused and hurt, but he thought she'd be back and they'd work things out.
        He was wrong again…very wrong.
        When his best friend Bruce (PAUL REISER) went over to comfort Michael, and suggested they go for a quick trip to their favorite strip bar, Michael reluctantly agreed, thinking it might relax him. When Dana was on her way home, she saw Michael and Bruce leave, so she followed them into the strip club, and unbeknownst to them, watched as they received very intimate lap dances from topless women. Now Michael is pretty sure this is the worst situation he's faced in his 20 years of marriage.
        He is right…
        Of course, when Dana calls Bruce's wife Brita (GLENNE HEADLY) and tells her of their husbands' activities, she is none too pleased and goes to comfort her friend.
        As Michael returns home with Bruce, they enter the house and Bruce trips over a piece of luggage. He starts to offer his condolences to Michael when he finds out it's his luggage. The two men enter the room to face their wives, who announce they are throwing their husbands out. As the two men try to bluff their way out of trouble, it becomes painstakingly clear that Dana and Brita know exactly where they've been.
        The lines are drawn. Michael accuses Dana of walking out on him for no good reason, and Dana counters that Michael has cheated on her. Brita needs Bruce to understand why she's so hurt, and Bruce can't seem to grasp the concept.
        While Dana and Michael argue as to whether he's leaving, Bruce decides it's time for a tactical retreat and drags his friend outside to the car. The boys return and Michael claims illness. Michael's "condition" seems serious, and when Dana begins to soften, they are interrupted by the arrival of their neighbor Shelly (JENNIFER COOLIDGE). A divorcee in her 40's who has a tendency to drink too much, Shelly finds her dating pool rather limited, although she is constantly looking to widen that circle. Dana realizes that Michael picked up perfume from his female acquaintance at the strip club, and her anger and resentment return. Michael and Bruce take to the streets again.
        Unsuccessful in their search for a self-help book, Michael and Bruce head over to visit Nick (ROBERT PASTORELLI), who after going to a couples retreat with his wife, felt the need to confess a few minor infidelities in the hopes it would strengthen their marriage. He currently lives alone, over a tattoo parlor and biker bar.
        That little setback hasn't kept Nick from pursuing what he feels is his new mission in life. After participating in a Native American sweat ritual, Nick is convinced he must give as much of himself to the Earth as he can. Translated into Nick-speak, that means sleeping with as many women as possible. In the course of 10 months, he boasts to Michael and Bruce that he has

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