怀先生的处女(豆瓣 6.8分

原名:Mr. Wroe's Virgins



主演:乔纳森·普雷斯  凯西·伯克

上映日期:1993-02-24  片长:50分钟(四集)   英国  类型:剧情



Shot beautifully in northern England, it examines life in a closed religious cult in the 1830s. The cult is led by prophet John Wroe, an intense, powerful man, who asks his congregation to give him seven virgins to look after his needs. This story -- of life within Wroe's house, of the women who live there and the life-changing events that occur -- is told from the viewpoint of four of the women, each with a different perspective.
        by carolyn-31 from Boston, MA on imdb.com

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