Radice del male, La(豆瓣 5.4分

原名:Radice del male, La

别名:The Shadow Within

主演:Giancarlo Previati

上映日期:2006-11-08   意大利  类型:惊悚



The Shadow Within" is a horror story of the soul that chronicles the life of Maurice Dumont, a nine year old child who has a connection between this world and the next. Overcome by terrible grief due to the death of Maurice's twin brother Jacques at birth, his mother Marie falls under the occult influence of the enigmatic Madame Armand.
        With unrelenting pressure, she seduces Marie with the hope that the whole Dumont family will be reunited again by forcing Maurice to act as a medium to the afterlife. When Maurice suffers a mysterious fever, Dr. Prevost becomes intrigued and fearful of the mysterious changes to Maurice's body.As he deteriorates the doctor realizes that Jacques desires the love and presence of their parents but does not want to return to the world of living but wants his parents to join him in the… afterlife


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