魔术盒(豆瓣 5.2分

原名:The Magic Box

别名:魔术盒 / 魔盒



主演:罗伯特·多纳特  约翰·霍华德·戴维斯  罗伯特·比提  Joan Dowling  Mary Ellis  迈克尔·丹尼森  Marjorie Fielding  Martin Boddey  Roland Culver  爱德华 切普曼  John Charlesworth  Maurice Colbourne  芮妮·阿萨岑  理查德·阿滕伯勒  Henry Edwards

上映日期:1952-01-21(英国)  片长:118 分钟 / UK: 103 分钟(DVD version)   英国  类型:剧情 / 传记



Now old, ill, poor, and largely forgotten, William Freise-Greene was once very different. As young and handsome William Green he changed his name to include his first wife's so that it sounded more impressive for the photographic portrait work he was so good at. But he was also an inventor and his search for a way to project moving pictures became an obsession that ultimately changed the life of all those he loved.

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