皮带的诱惑(豆瓣 7.0分

原名:Cintura, La


编剧:克劳迪亚·斯巴里贾  阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚

主演:丽奥诺拉·布瑞丽娅多蕊  安娜·博纳奥图  朱丽娅娜·盖兰德拉

上映日期:1989-04(意大利)  片长:93分钟   意大利  类型:剧情



James Russo stars as an American teacher in Rome who falls for the beautiful Bianca and enters into a torrid affair made even more frenzied when she buys him an expensive leather belt... she wants to be whipped... Based on the novel by Alberto Moravia.

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