汉堡综合症(豆瓣 6.4分

原名:Die Hamburger Krankheit


上映日期:1979-11-22  片长:Germany: 117 分钟   法国 / 德国  类型:科幻



"The Hamburg Syndrome": As scientists discuss the merits of prolonging life at Hamburg's congress centre, a dangerous disease is spreading and threatens the city. Everybody who gets infected becomes mad and finally dies - in an weird embryonic position. The authorities panic and react to the disease by declaring a useless state of emergency. Furthermore, the vaccination that is handed out in large amounts, does seem to rather stabilize the virus instead of destroying it. A small group of infected people manages to escape from quarantine and to flee to a small farm in the Bavarian hills to wait for the epidemic to end.
        Last fictitious role of Fernando Arrabal as a crazy guy in an wheelchair. The electronic Score was composed by Jean-Michel Jarre.

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