秘鲁皇帝(豆瓣 6.7分

原名:The Emperor of Peru

别名:Odyssey of the Pacific / Treasure Train / La Traversee De La Pacific

编剧:Roger Lemelin  费尔南多·阿拉巴尔


上映日期:1982-12-10  片长:81分钟   法国 / 加拿大  类型:冒险



A rare example of a non-scandalous Arrabal creation is ODYSSEY OF THE PACIFIC, a sweet and atmospheric children's movie, filmed on location in Canada, that stars Mickey Rooney as a train conductor. This is a surreal little film about several children who befriend a potty old retired railroad engineer and end up actually breathing new life into an abandoned, rusting Pacific steam locomotive. The cast is excellent, though Mickey Rooney appears to be ad-libbing his lines. The final scenes are exhilarating and will stay with you, and that's a good thing. Recommended for all.

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