魔鬼的杰作(豆瓣 7.2分

原名:Davolja Posla

别名:The Devil's Work / ĐAVOLJA POSLA


上映日期:1965  片长:9 分钟   南斯拉夫  类型:短片 / 动画



The good deeds of a well-meaning fellow are repaid with ingratitude and malevolence. This is too much for our friend and he begin to rival the Devil in his maliciousness. Giving that he so far overdoes it that the Devil is even upset. In the end he returns to his original temperament.
        This was the debut film of Zlatko Grgic, a Zagreb legend, in 1965 at the age of 20. It demonstrates his comedic talents at their best, as a well-meaning fellow learns to appreciate the benefits of "devilish" behavior.
        1966 Special Diploma, Bergamo


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