乘客(豆瓣 5.2分

原名:The Passenger


编剧:François Rotger

主演:夏木阳介  加布丽·拉佐  伊势谷友介

上映日期:2005-08-06  片长:88分钟   日本 / 法国 / 加拿大  类型:剧情 / 惊悚



Yakuza Naoki Sando (Yosuke Natsuki) discovers his daughter Hiroko (Kumi Kaneko) in bed with his adopted son Kohji (Yusuke Iseya). Three years later, Kohji is working the streets as a hustler, still yearning for a way to earn his estranged father's approval to continue his borderline incestuous relationship. Hiroko sees a way back to her brother's arms when Sando's shady colleague Marc Tanner (François Trottier) absconds to Canada with gambling funds destined for the big boss. Presumably with her father's permission, she calls Kohji and tells him to hurry to Montréal, recover the money and kill Tanner.

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