凶手就在我们中间(豆瓣 7.6分

原名:Die Mörder sind unter uns

别名:刽子手就在我们中间 / The Murderers Are Among Us


编剧:Fritz Staudte  沃尔福冈·施多德  Eberhard Keindorff  Johanna Sibelius

主演:恩斯特·威赫姆·博彻特  海蒂嘉德·纳福  Arno Paulsen

上映日期:1946-10-15  片长:85 分钟 / Germany: 91 分钟(re-issue)   德国  类型:剧情 / 爱情 / 惊悚



Susanne Wallner returns to the ruins of Berlin from a Concentration Camp after WW2 to discover that someone else lives in her apartment: Dr. Hans Mertens, the war made him depressive and he drinks a lot of alcohol. Susanne asks him to go but he doesn't want to, so they share Susanne's apartment and even discover their sympathy and then their love for each other. That encourages him a little, of course. But then he hears that Ferdinand Brückner is still alive and also lives in Berlin. Brückner was his Captain during WW2, he gave the order to kill more than 100 innocent people, many children and women among them, on Christmas 1942 in Poland.
        Summary written by Cinemator

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