嘴对嘴(豆瓣 5.5分

原名:Mun mot mun

别名:Mouth to Mouth



主演:玛丽·理查德森  彼得·安德森  马格努斯·克雷佩

上映日期:2005-12-25  片长:94 分钟 / 92 分钟 / Sweden: 92 分钟   瑞典  类型:剧情



The teenage girl Vera left her family after an incident at home, and is now living with a middle-aged drug addict, Morgan, who is using her as a prostitute to get money for drugs and debts. Meanwhile, the rest of her family is falling apart, and her father, Mats, is trying to figure out how to get her back before it's too late.

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