Spike Smiley: Halloween Night(豆瓣 6.3分

原名:Spike Smiley: Halloween Night

别名:Last Laugh

主演:布兰斯康比·里奇蒙德  明迪·罗宾逊

上映日期:   美国  类型:恐怖



When 6 associates at Winsley Financial win a One night, all expenses paid trip to the scariest and most terrifying "Haunted Hotel" in Oakville, Ky, only 4 are able to attend. Harold, the new President of the company and his wife Jen, have previously made plans for this year's Halloween. What they didn't know is that what they had just escaped from by not attending, would follow them 1 year later when the Urban Legend resurfaces on October 31st. Was it fate that allowed them to live another year, or was it Spike Smiley on "Halloween Night".

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