Tribute to Art #2(豆瓣 5.0分

原名:Tribute to Art #2

导演:弗兰克·舍费尔  弗兰斯·兹瓦特

编剧:弗兰克·舍费尔  弗兰斯·兹瓦特


上映日期:2017-01-31(鹿特丹电影节)  片长:16分钟   荷兰  类型:短片 / 纪录片



Rather than a documentary about Zwartjes, Scheffer decided to make a film with him. The result is an associative mix of fragments typical of Zwartjes. And a final moment of eye contact with the camera. Zwartjes’ major motifs pass by one more time as in a feverish dream – including self-portraits.

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