天色破晓(豆瓣 7.8分

原名:Le jour se lève

别名:旭日东升 / Daybreak



主演:Jacqueline Laurent  René Génin  加布丽埃勒·丰坦  Arthur Devère  Germaine Lix  马塞尔·佩雷斯  阿莱蒂  让·加本  Mady Berry  René Bergeron  Jules Berry  贝尔纳·布里埃

上映日期:1939-06-09  片长:93 分钟 / Germany: 86 分钟 / USA: 88   法国  类型:剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪



Francois, a sympathetic factory worker, kills Valentin with a gun. He locked himself in his furnished room and starts remembering how he was led to murder. He met once Francoise, a young fleurist, and they fell in love. But Francoise was gotten round by Valentin, a dog trainer, a machiavellian guy...

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