以色列总统的结语(豆瓣 5.1分

原名:Ben-Gurion, Epilogue

上映日期:2017-03-03(美国)  片长:70分钟   美国 / 法国 / 以色列  类型:纪录片



A six-hour interview with David Ben-Gurion, one of modern history's greatest leaders, emerges from the obscurity of an archive where it has lain unrecognized for decades. It is 1968, and Ben-Gurion is 82 years old. He lives in the seclusion of his home in the desert, remote from all political discourse, which allows him a perspective on the Zionist enterprise. His introspective soul-searching is the focus of this film, and his reflections provide a surprising vision for today's crucial decisions and for the future of Israel.

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