팔도쌍나팔(豆瓣 6.8分


别名:The Double Trumpets in the Nation

上映日期:1987-10-31(韩国)  片长:102分钟   韩国  类型:剧情



        Ho-dal is a cook fooled into opening the safe for industrial spy Kim Yong-gu and his gang. He hears the sad news of Pak Bin, the only survivor from the Vietnam war, died. Ho-dal pretends to be a locksmith to investigate. He approaches Yong-gu's secretary Jin-ah. When she is locked away, he rescues her. But he is caught by Yong-gu's men and is framed for murder. Jin-ah sneaks into Yong-gu's house and uses the stolen information to help free Ho-dal. Ho-dal lures Yong-gu to a final duel and only Detective Kim's interference prevents the angered Ho-dal from breaking the law.
        Hodal厨师听到了越南战争唯一幸存者Park Byeong bin的消息,被工业间谍Yong-gu Kim欺骗,并打开了保险箱。据报道,永达正在确定真相为关键时刻的霍达尔,到达了工具秘书吉娜。然而,JINA颇为怀疑和限制,他拯救了JINA并逃脱了他,他被毕马威会计师事务所逮捕并指控了谋杀案。霍达尔不能避免对抗,最终他不能避免对抗。追求的律师金正灿的抱怨霍达尔,我会的

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