柠檬汽水(豆瓣 5.3分


别名:Luna de miere



上映日期:2018-02-19(柏林电影节)  片长:88min   加拿大 / 罗马尼亚  类型:剧情



Mara, a nurse from Romania, got married whilst on a working visit to the USA. Together with her husband Daniel, whom she met as a patient, she is now waiting for her Green Card. She has already brought to the States her little son Dragos from a previous relationship. However, the naturalisation process is proving to be difficult and Mara increasingly begins to realise that the America she imagined has little to do with the reality. After the immigration officer responsible for her case exploits her plight, the situation seems almost hopeless. ‘Even the people who hate the United States want to live here’ is a statement the heroine of this film hears again and again, and her own experiences are characterised by a similar ambivalence.
        Based on real events, Ioana Uricaru’s first feature film addresses themes such as mental attitude, corruption and patriotism. Mălina Manovici is sensitive and convincing in the role of Mara who, despite all of her adversities, remains convinced that: ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’


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