永生的救世主 - 耶稣(豆瓣 6.1分

原名:The Living Christ Series

别名:Living Christ

编剧:Arthur T. Horman

主演:Art Gilmore  罗伯特·拜斯  劳伦斯·多布金  William Henry  罗伯特·威尔森

上映日期:2015-06-14  片长:360分钟(共12章节) / 344分钟(美国一区D9)   美国  类型:剧情



"The Living Christ Series" is considered to be the first "unofficial" television mini-series. All 12 episodes aired on NBC in 1951 and two year's later it's sequel TV movie "I Beheld His Glory" also aired on NBC. After it's original airing, the series remained off of television until the late 1980's when local religious stations began airing the series. TBN aired all twelve episodes throughout the 1990's. The entire series is public domain and has been released numerous times on VHS and DVD.

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