砰嘣砰:十拿九稳的活计(豆瓣 7.4分

原名:Bang Boom Bang - Ein todsicheres Ding

编剧:彼得·图万斯  Stefan Holtz

上映日期:1999-08-26  片长:110 分钟   德国  类型:喜剧 / 动作



Life could be just great for bankrobber Keek: His buddy Kalle is doing time for their last coup, while Keek has to retain the loot. Kalle will spend two more years in jail, so Keek is not exactly bothered by the fact that he has lost most of the money betting on horse races. But then Kalle watches a porn video 'starring' his girlfriend and he breaks free to take revenge. Suddenly, Keek is in desperate need of cash and even the weirdest scheme seems promising.

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