亡命徒(豆瓣 3.6分


主演:吉姆·戴佛提  蕾莎·海利  妮可儿·德伯特  卢克·爱德华兹

上映日期:2016-10-26(Screamfest恐怖电影节) / 2016-11-13(NYC恐怖电影节) / 2017-03-10(美国)  片长:82分钟   美国  类型:剧情 / 惊悚 / 恐怖



To escape her abusive boyfriend, Kat joins a wilderness expedition with a group of women, all of whom are struggling with the uncertainty of life. What was supposed to be an opportunity for personal discovery quickly becomes a fight for survival, forcing each one to discover the strength within themselves that they didn't even know they possessed. While being brazenly chased by a pack of predators, the strong quickly set themselves apart from the weak. In a battle of will, stamina, and heart, these very virtues present themselves at the most crucial moment. With death looming, each is left with what is truly important - the strength within oneself.

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