Sangerindens Diamanter(豆瓣 6.0分

原名:Sangerindens Diamanter

上映日期:1910-01-20 / 1910-03-19   丹麦  类型:剧情



The first scene portrays a room in Mr. Allan's house. He is admiring a necklace of diamonds, when his nephew, Alfred Farley, a disreputable young man, having reached the end of his resources, applies to his uncle for the loan of some money, but he is refused. Spying the necklace, Farley tries to persuade his uncle to give it to him and, being refused again, he becomes angry and springs at his uncle in an endeavor to strangle him to gain possession of the coveted necklace. The effort is in vain, as Allan eludes him and angrily orders him from the house. We next see Mr. Allan at the theater dressing room of Margaret Hayes, a prima donna singer, where he presents her with the necklace just as she is leaving for the stage. Not wishing to leave it in the room, she twists it around her arm, and is followed out by Mr. Allan and her maid. In her absence Farley enters her dressing room and. after searching around finally discovers the empty box that had contained the necklace. Realizing that ... Written by Moving Picture World synopsis

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