Tabbott's Traveling Carnivale of Terrors(豆瓣 5.7分

原名:Tabbott's Traveling Carnivale of Terrors

主演:凯恩·霍德尔  希德·黑格

上映日期:2018-10-31   美国  类型:恐怖



Tabbott's Traveling Carnivale of Terrors has been taking its frights around Appalachia since 1925. Business is booming; Offering food, bonfires, costumes, fortune telling, stage acts, games, and music! The treacherous Tabbott family members work together to keep their well-oiled machine-of-deception running according to plan. Papa Everette; the ringleader ringmaster. Mama Gladys; the fat witch upon a throne. Their children: Bobbie; a seductive gypsy. Buck; the temperamental werewolf. Elijah; the sadistic scarecrow. And young Emma; a ghost ignored. The Carnival's main attraction is a House of Horrors like never seen before; a slaughterhouse for those who visit, and leave nevermore. The moon is full, the carnival erected; for unsuspecting visitors, the night is not what they suspected. Country girl Jess reads a sign in town and takes the bait, and her friend Sarah; ready for an exciting night of fun and frights. As fate would have it; things are not always what they seem, and predator ...

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