파출부, 아니다(豆瓣 5.8分

原名:파출부, 아니다

别名:Ain't No Maid


主演:梁益准  李惠银

上映日期:  片长:13分钟   韩国  类型:剧情 / 短片



Myung-sook, a visiting maid, comes to work at someone's house as always. In a way, she has her own schedule for the day since she is a veteran of such business. The most important thing to do for the day is definitely watching television show, but she doesn't just watch. This house is Myung-sook's workplace, but at the same time, someone's private place. In this place, she dreams of a true deviation from her real life.
        Director: When I open my private place to a stranger, it means I trust the person and also expect the place to be maintained as it is. A visiting maid who comes to work alone in my empty house. A total stranger, What would she think and what would she dream of in my private place? Such curiosity motivated myself to create this story. Would nothing be happening in deed?
        第30届首尔独立电影节竞争单元 (2004)
        第2届亚洲国际短篇电影节竞争单元 (2004)
        Resfest Digital Film Festival competition (2004)

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