Flo Rounds a Corner(豆瓣 6.5分

原名:Flo Rounds a Corner


上映日期:  片长:6分钟   美国  类型:短片 / 纪录片



WARNING: This work contains throbbing light. Should not be viewed by individuals with epilepsy or seizure disorders.
        Writes Mark McElhatten: "The cast is in flux — the animate and the inanimate get double billed with that dynamic duo — Push and Pull. If matter has consciousness and has renounced movement as Henri Bergson suggests, in order to conserve energy, then here we have a dramatic apostasy. A broken vow of stasis, a flood of energy. What beautiful instability and pulsation in this floating world off a hinge, drawn through invisible bellows, exhaled, exultant. Figure and ground (such a quaint term for what we really see) do a slow motion see-saw on shifting tectonic plates, and fold into Cezanne-like origami. If this dance weren't so meticulous, so slow, so molecular it would describe a calamity. But in fact this happens every day, every moment in the blink of an eye. Tilts with perfect pitch. The eponymous Flo moves slanted and enchanted down a street in Taormina, Italy — as casual, momentous and as 'on time' as the Arrival of the Train at La Ciotat that rounded the corner of another century. A landmark work."
        Production: Harvestworks Digital Media Arts, NYC. Technical Support: Jane Johnston, Mindy Weisberger, Shari Geffen at All In Production, Inc. Thanks to Teormina Film Festival, Harvestworks, Rockefeller Foundation, Flo. Eternalism System Patent granted.

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