罗密欧与朱丽叶(豆瓣 7.0分

原名:Romeo y Julieta


编剧:莎士比亚  Jaime Salvador

主演:Juan García  何塞·巴伐利亚  坎丁弗拉斯  Tito Junco  María Elena Marqués  Andrés Soler  Emma Roldán

上映日期:1943-09-03(墨西哥)  片长:100分钟   墨西哥  类型:喜剧



There have been many versions of Shakespeare's masterpiece, but none like the one starring Cantinflas. This delightful and humorous version also carries a powerful message to today's parents, showing them how to approach the problems of their children with understanding, firmness, and tolerance.

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