Sommarmord(豆瓣 6.7分


别名:Summer Murder

主演:罗夫·拉斯加德  戈兰·斯坦格茨  伦纳特·胡尔斯特罗姆  玛丽卡·林德斯特罗姆  彼得·哈贝尔  莉娜·T·汉森

上映日期:1994-02-11  片长:105分钟   其他  类型:剧情



Sture is a rich alcoholic who has taken a trip to Mallorca to drink himself to death. But he meets Sylvia and they start a relationship. Sture moves in with her in a middle-class community. Sylvia has an eighteen year old daughter, Eva. She gets murdered on the night between Midsummer eve and Midsummer day, and to the police the primary suspect is Sture, who was so intoxicated that he can not say what he was doing during the night.

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