Jonathan Creek: Daemons' Roost(豆瓣 5.6分

原名:Jonathan Creek: Daemons' Roost



主演:艾伦·戴维斯  沃维克·戴维斯  杰森·巴尼特  埃蒙·埃利奥特  莎拉·亚历山大

上映日期:2016-12-28(英国)  片长:89分钟   英国  类型:剧情 / 犯罪 / 悬疑



According to legend, a 19th century sorcerer named Jacob Surtees would summon the powers of Hell to terrorize and subjugate his victims at his home, Daemons' Roost. A hundred and fifty years after his death the house is occupied by another, equally macabre, figure: veteran horror film director Nathan Clore. With his health now failing he has summoned home his stepdaughter Alison, to share with her the chilling truth of what happened to her family there. However, just days before her arrival Nathan Clore has suffered a debilitating stroke, rendering him terribly paralyzed and unable to communicate the very truth that she has come to learn. After assisting Alison's husband in the past, Jonathan Creek is called upon to help again but as the story unfolds, with ever more sinister twists and turns, the gruesome rituals that were once enacted in the dungeon of Daemons' Roost are frighteningly revived with horrifying consequences.

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