用爱吻我(豆瓣 6.8分

原名:Embrasses-moi comme tu m’aimes

别名:Kiss Me With All Your Love

主演:罗伊·迪普伊  Julien Poulin  Pierre Verville  塞琳·邦尼  安托万·贝特朗  Patrick Drolet  凯瑟琳·德·莱恩  Tony Nardi  迈伦娜·麦凯  朱丽叶特·高斯林

上映日期:2016-08-25(加拿大)  片长:95分钟   加拿大  类型:剧情 / 爱情



1940. Pierre Sauvageau , 22, wants to join the army but he must take care of his twin sister Berthe, paraplegic from birth. This closeness awakens Berthe's sensuality who tries to seduce her brother. Pierre rejects her advances, but when he falls in love, he is haunted by the fantasy of his sister. He would like to get rid of it, but the fantasy of Berthe is very persistent.

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