不存在的朋友(豆瓣 5.2分

原名:We’re Still Together

别名:Imaginary Friends

主演:杰西·卡马乔  Eve Harlow  Joey Klein

上映日期:2016-07-07(卡罗维发利电影节)  片长:82分钟   加拿大  类型:剧情



Chris can't get along with anyone. Kids his age torture him. Even his own mother picks fights with him. After getting kicked out of his house, Chris is sent out into the city at night. He is attacked by bullies and it is here that Chris meets Bobby, a charming but unsettled 30-something, that comes to his aid. Bobby sees that Chris is upset and floundering and so takes him under his wing. The two set out together in a whirlwind of events that includes crashing parties, meeting girls (specifically one that Chris has been obsessed with for a long time, Claire), standing up to bullies, and finally a visit with Bobby's daughter, Olivia. Over the course of the night, Chris begins to see that the flip side of Bobby's manic energy is a self-destructive streak. Chris slowly begins to assert himself while Bobby tries to take more ownership of his action

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