Daisy Winters(豆瓣 5.3分

原名:Daisy Winters

主演:斯特林·杰里斯  波姬·小丝  卡丽·普雷斯顿  保罗·布莱克索恩  克莱顿·罗赫内尔  伊万·瑞恩  凯尔·西尔弗斯坦  普娜·贾甘纳坦

上映日期:2017-10-05(美国)  片长:90分钟   美国  类型:剧情



Daisy Winters is about an eleven year-old girl's unconventional, yet deeply loving relationship with her mother and what happens when this essential mother/daughter bond is harshly broken. Along her journey, including her quest to discover her father, the courageous, resourceful and precocious Daisy learns about how to embrace every moment with determination and an unrelenting belief in herself.

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